What we do....
Intro to Discovery

At Discovery Elim we have a wide range of church and community groups and events that happen all year round. We aim to meet the needs of our church people and our local community.
If you've never been to church, that's ok, you don't need to be a member to get along to our groups or events and we'd love to see you there. Take a look at what's on offer below.
Church Activities
Whether it's your first time visiting a church or you're a seasoned attender, all are welcome and we invite you to come along to meet our team, stay for tea or coffee and get to know a little more about what we do and who we are beyond the screen.
We are located at 148 Major Drive, Kelson, Lower Hutt and Sunday morning services are at 10.00 - 11.15am. See you there!

Kids Church
We offer programs on Sunday mornings for all age groups, from 0-18 years and all our groups are available throughout the calendar year including school holidays. Powertots, Powersparks, Powerzone and Voltage!
We are church that believes in giving. International Needs is a worldwide Christian aid & development agency that seeks to bring lasting transformation to people and areas of great need, providing support to all regardless of race, religion or gender.
Discovery Elim Christian Centre will be supporting a child through International Need and we endeavor to teach the children about the principle of giving to others in need by encouraging their support along side us as a Church.

Oxygen Youth
Oxygen Youth Lower Hutt is a youth ministry designed for students year 7 - year 13. We are passionate about creating an atmosphere of fun, friendships and amazing encounters with God. Our program runs throughout the school terms and we are always happy to give you a ride if you are unable to get here on your own.

To speak to one of our leaders about our Youth program please contact Amy or Mitch van Riel directly.
Amy 0278407232 Mitch 0272758802
When: Friday's, 7-9pm
Where: Discovery Elim Christian Centre, 148 Major Drive, Kelson
Cost: Free!
Music and Worship
At Discovery, we are passionate about encountering God. Our heart is to see the church come together, lift up the name of Jesus, and enter into God's presence.
There are multiple opportunities to get involved and we believe in equipping and preparing people to step into the space God is calling them to. We invite those who have a heart to serve in the area of music to come along and meet with our team and see where you can be a part of welcoming in the presence of God.

Life Groups
Lifegroups are small groups of people who meet on a regular basis here at Discovery Elim and in other locations set by the group leader or facilitator.
Lifegroups are about spending time with your friends, praying for each other, encouraging each other, and learning from the Bible together.
Join a Lifegroup today and watch this space for more details on how to find the right Lifegroup for you because "Life is better in groups".
Veggie Co-op
Kelson fruit and vegetable co-op is a non-profit social enterprise supported by, Wesley Community Action and Wellington Regional Public Health.
The co-op makes use of bulk buying power and volunteer labour to package bags of fresh fruit and vegetables, and is a great way to bring healthy and affordable produce to your community each week.
Discovery Elim Christian Centre are the pick-up point for all Kelson orders. Collections are on a Tuesday between 2:30 and 3:30 pm and 5:00 - 6:00 pm
For $12 (paid one week in advance) you will receive one bag of fruit and one of vegetables, comprising of 6-8 varieties. These bags of fresh, seasonal food represent great value. You can order as many bags as you need, as often as you like.
Click on the link to get started!
Music @ Discovery
What's it all about: This is a fun programme for 0 - 5 year olds and their parents/caregivers. The sessions involve singing, finger plays, moving and dancing, playing instruments, story time, and other interactive musical activities. The adults get involved in the sessions with their children.
This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and caregivers from our local community.

Children naturally love music and music ignites all areas of child development. The benefits of music are diverse in the development of physical, cognitive, language, creative and social skills. The 40 minute music session is followed by morning tea in the cafe where children and caregivers are invited to stay, which is a great opportunity to know one another.
Where: Discovery Hall, 148 Major Drive, Kelson
When: Wednesday mornings, 9.30am (school terms only)
Cost: $20 per term for one child or $30 for a family of two or more
AED Unit at Discovery Elim
We are very pleased and excited to share with the Kelson community that an AED has been installed here at Discovery Elim.
The AED is located on an external wall outside the office and is accessible to the public 24/7.
To use the AED you MUST ring 111 and speak to a trained operator. We would like to thank Wellington Free Ambulance as well as the Western Ward Community Panel who funded the AED.
Discovery Early Learning Centre
Established in 2007 by the Discovery Elim Christian Centre Trust, Discovery Early Learning Centre is dedicated to providing opportunities for children to learn and grow in a supportive and fun environment.
Located at the church, they are a community-based centre providing quality early childhood education to the Lower Hutt community.
Visit their website www.discoveryelc.org.nz to find out more!
Saints and Angels
Saints & Angels is held each year on 31 October between 5:30 – 7:30pm.
The aim of our annual Saints and Angels party is to offer a place where parents, grandparents and caregivers can bring their children to enjoy an alternative party for Halloween. The intention is to provide a safe environment for children to enjoy dressing up as a saint, angel or any other character, and spend a couple of hours enjoying activities.

Activities vary from year to year but always include a grand parade showing off their costumes, bouncy castle, face painting, balloon animals and making crafts. We also provide light finger food and a sausage sizzle. Each child will also receive a loot bag at the end of the evening. So, dress up in your favourite costume (no scary ones please) and join us for an evening packed with fun! Entry is by way of gold coin donation.
As He Promised | Replenish Women's Conference 2019
Friday, 21 June & Saturday 22 June 2019
Elim International Church | 22 Tennyson Street, Wellington
To register, visit https://www.elim.nz/replenish-conference